Farmer with his son - Family on my way to Arba Minch Ethiopiƫ
Hamar Woman - near Termi
Weaver at Dorze - near Arba Minch
School Class - at Dorze
Priest in Addis Abebe - Orthodox church
Sun rise Dorze - Abaya Lake
street seller Addis Abebe -
Funeral at Dorze -
Harvest at Dorze -
Mursi woman near Jinka - shaves her husband
old Mursi woman -
Married Mursi woman - with dish, an old tradition, not all the young woman still do that
Hamar woman washes in river bed -
Hamar woman - colors her hair with clay and terra
Dasenech old man - taking care of young child.
Dasenesch family near their house -
Mother and child - Dasenech tribe near Termi
Dasenech girl -
Mursi girl - near Jinka
Hamar boy - near Termi
Mursi young woman with phone - The Mursi tribe is a primitive tribe and they are famous and notorious. They are known for their lip dishes, scars, paint patterns and various types of objects as decorations.
Dasenech celebration - they dans and sing
Dasenech man - drinking beer,that they brew themselves